Thursday, September 10, 2009

Web Hosting: To Pay Or Not To Pay

It is difficult to find something nowadays that embodies both affordability and quality. Most of the time an affordable thing lacks good quality and something that has topnotch quality is very expensive. Hence, we cannot get the best of both worlds. In web hosting, such dilemma also exists: there are sites that are free but with limited quality and there are sites that have relatively good quality but they demand payment.

Free Web Hosting: When "free" is attached into a concept, such item becomes very desirable and it gains an aura of being a good item or product. Such idea is so persistent in the present to the extent that it generates legions after legions of "free" products fans because the consumers feel empowered. In free web hosting, the same exact idea is present and prevailing - the word free generates horde of clients of such service. Free web hosting can have a lot of good things in it aside from the fact that you would not spend a cent on it. In some cases, the services offered by these free sites are at the same level with those of the paid sites.

The only problem here is that those sites are often rare to the extent that among the hundreds of free sites, only a handful really gives a good service. The rest of the free sites do not give optimum services because of their limited disk space and bandwidth. There is also a problem if there would be lot users of the same free site which is usually the case.

If you are only using one doma in name together with unidentified others, if one committed a bad act like sending spam messages through mail or sending viruses, all the other users of the domain name will be penalized in a sense that even their mails will be blocked by an anti-spam program.

Free sites are good if and when you only have a small website to maintain because it would not need bigger bandwidth or bigger disk space. Such hosts are also good if you are creating a sort of temporary website because you can conveniently delete it afterwards. Paid Web Hosting: Unlike free web hosting, paid web hosting sites requires a small amount of money for their services. Since it requires a fee, their web hosting servers are only handling a couple of websites.

If money is not a problem for you, availing the services of such sites would eventually do well to you especially if you are engaged in business. Unlike free web hosting sites, they offer other services like supporting other available mail formats that your visitors use. The price of the services varies but it does not mean that the more expensive ones are good. There are cheaper sites like JumpLaunch that gives optimum services as compared to other more expensive sites. However, despite its benefits, the other paid sites still have poor quality of services and some of them will charge more as each period passes. Limitations like smaller bandwidth and disk space are present too.

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